No recommendations in favour of combining FBS with STAN monitoring, a restricted systematic review by Demaegd et al.

The aim of this restricted systematic review was to investigate if FBS is still useful when ST Analysis of the fetal ECG is used as an adjunct to CTG. The STAN method identifies changes in the ST interval to identify fetuses at risk and is a continuous central message from the fetal heart.

The results show only limited data is available to answer this research question. The authors conclude that based on current evidence no recommendations in favour of combining FBS with CTG + ST Analysis can be made.

Click on the link below to access the study:
Fetal blood scalp blood sampling and ST-analysis of the fetal ECG for intrapartum fetal monitoring: a restricted systematic review. 2020 Facts Views Vis Obgyn, 2019, 11 (4): 337-346


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