How to transfer recordings to USB storage media

The following applies when STORAGE_DEVICE is set to USB Storage.
Anytime when the STAN is started, plug a prepared USB storage device into any of the two available USB connectors. It may be easier to do this with an USB extension cable. Note that it is possible to do this during an ongoing recording, without having to end it first.

When STAN identifies a prepared USB storage device, a confirmation dialog will first ask whether to start transfer recordings. …

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How to calibrate the touchscreen

To calibrate the touchscreen, enter the Touchscreen Calibration dialog. This can be done either by selecting the Calibrate Touch button in the Maintenance Functions dialog as described above, or by touching the bottom left field stating Tap to calibrate touchscreen during start up. As with the service functions, the calibration dialog cannot be accessed while a temporarily ended recording is on the internal disk. In occurring cases, end the recording first by selecting the Start New button in the Continue …

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How to review or copy a stored recording

review a stored recording, first enter the Service Functions dialog by tapping the Tap to access service functions field during system start up. (Finish possible ongoing recordings by selecting Start New if asked.) Then select the button Manage Recordings button, second from the left, to enter the Manage Recordings dialog.

To select recordings stored on the temporary storage on the internal disk, select the Internal Storage button. To be able to view recordings stored on a USB storage device, …

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High usage of CTG+ST Analysis results in a reduced rate of metabolic acidosis

This prospective clinical study1 investigated the improvements in quality-of-care after the introduction of ST Analysis in a Swedish district hospital. Data was collected during seven years and almost 13,000 deliveries were included in a detailed analysis. The number of deliveries increased by 47% during the time period, and during the same period the usage of CTG + ST Analysis increased from 26 to 69%. The rate of cord gas sampling also increased and was 96.3% in 2007.
The cord metabolic …

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New method saves babies during childbirth – a paradigm shift in fetal monitoring

Recently, a very large Swedish clinical study was published in the well recognized American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

The study is unique and summarizes all deliveries at one hospital over a seven year period. The results show that since the introduction of the STAN® monitor with ST Analysis, the number of babies born with asphyxia during birth has been reduced by more than 90%. The article states that this is a paradigm shift in the outcomes for deliveries.

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Sharp decrease in babies born with asphyxia and brain damage at Nordic clinics with new surveillance method

The number of babies born with severe oxygen deficiency, asphyxia and brain damage has decreased sharply at the university clinics in the Nordic countries that use ST Analysis, a rather new Swedish method for fetal surveillance during labour. New statistics show a strong increase in safety at deliveries during the last few years. The new results were reported today at the 36th Nordic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Reykjavik, Iceland (NFOG).

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