E-learning with certification
New E-learning platform available from January 1st, 2021
Neoventa Academy is launching a new E-learning platform containing its courses “Fetal Monitoring with CTG” and “Fetal Monitoring with ST analysis”. The platform is available from January 1st, 2021. If you have received a login click here to access.
If you have any questions about access, please contact your local distributor or send an email to neoventaacademy@neoventa.com
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Increase your knowledge in fetal monitoring with our unique web-based educational program.
- Education when you have time
- Lecturer independent
- Knowledge control through online Certification
The educational content is built on our well known printed training materials. The web-based training program consists of two separate parts: Fetal Monitoring with CTG and Fetal Monitoring with ST Analysis. Both programs contain theoretical modules with animated illustrations and scrollable tracings, case library with authentic patient cases and a Certification test with multiple-choice questions and scrollable tracings with questions. In addition, there are study questions after each chapter and reference list for additional reading.
Please be advised that this e-learning is based on STAN clinical guidelines, BJOG 2007;114:1191-93, Neoventa Medical AB.
Fetal monitoring with CTG
This is an interactive program for education and training in CTG interpretation. The overall objective of the program is to ensure competence in the use of CTG for health care professionals working in obstetrics.
2013 – Sabri et al ECIC 2013 Poster e-learning.
Assessment of an e-Learning program of FHR monitoring.
Fetal monitoring with ST Analysis
This is an interactive program for education and training in ST Analysis as an adjunct to CTG for fetal monitoring. The overall objective of the program is to ensure competence in the use of ST Analysis for health care professionals working in obstetrics.
For more information regarding our web-based educational program with online certification, contact neoventaacademy@neoventa.com
Access the program
If you have a login, go to www.neoventaeducation.com and log in.
To get a login as an individual user, please order individual licence.
For hosptial licences, please Contact the distributor in your country.